stutterer|stutterers in English


['stut·ter·er || 'stʌtərə(r)]

stammerer, one who stutters

Use "stutterer|stutterers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stutterer|stutterers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stutterer|stutterers", or refer to the context using the word "stutterer|stutterers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Now I choose to found the Stuttering Foundation of China, this is because I am a stutterer and I know how stutterers and their families in China need this Foundation.

2. Brayden Harrington, the teen whom President Biden Befriended as a fellow stutterer recited JFK's inaugural address during Biden's inaugural special.

3. Developmental stuttering is a popular speech disorder, about which there has been a hypothesis that laterality of brain speech function could be abnormal in stutterers.

4. In demystifying the little-understood speech impediment, the award-winning film reveals myths and fascinating truths about stuttering, and has won praise from stutterers of all ages.

5. NEW YORK (AP) — Brayden Harrington, the teenager whom President-elect Joe Biden Befriended as a fellow stutterer — and will be part of a primetime inaugural special — has a book coming out this summer

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